
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Another Day Closer

I got to spend time with my favorite person today, my Grandma.  She is an amazing woman and although I have my concerns about how life will be when I am done with my job, she made me feel great about it.  She had to work outside the home with 4 young children when she was younger.  She was never given the opportunity that I have now.  She was always my inspiration when I was a single mom and life got tough. 

Although I actually put in my two weeks notice last Monday, March 20th is actually my last day.  I worked last week and I am off this coming week and I work the week after.  I did it this way so I could give two weeks but still be off with all the boys on their spring break which is this coming week. 

It seems that all I do is sit around and think about what I am going to do when I am off.  I am like a kid at the end of a school year.  I can't wait!!!

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