
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tea Cart - Before and After

I love vintage stuff; clothes, dishes, hats, decor, name it!  I can see potential in so many things people throw away.  It really makes me sick to see it!  So last year, when my step-mom decided to flip a house, I scored a few treasures.  One was a little tea cart.  I know y'all have seen these adorable little brightly colored carts all over Pinterest and wondered where in the hell people were getting them...At least, I know I was wondering. I saw an adorable little red one in an antique shop one time and they wanted a fortune for it. So, when I was walking through the flip house and saw a funky looking brown tea cart with brass colored handles, I could see potential.  They were just about to toss it in the dumpster when I saved it!  

Yeah, I get it, it was freaking ugly!  But I knew it didn't have to be.  I took it home.  It sat in the shed for the last year, and last week, I finally painted it to match my kitchen.  The colors in my kitchen are teal and red and I plan on putting this little cart in front of the sliding glass door (the side that doesn't slide).  So since my curtains are red, I painted it teal with silver handles. 

I think it came out great.  I can't wait to finish it off with some cute little vintage kitchen objects!

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