
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

From Messy Kid's Desk, to Vanity for Mom

I have wanted a vanity for forever!  I really want one of those beautiful antique wooden vanity's with all the details and the three sided mirror, but who can afford that?  With that in mind and the saying "Fake it till you make it", I figured I would slap me together something at least resembling a vanity.  So I brainstormed a little and realized we had an extra kid's desk in the younger boys' room.  Hmmmm, I came up with a plan.  Apparently, I was really desperate at the time because it looked like this...

I told you it was fresh from the kid's room!  Anyway, I came up with a plan!  I took it into my room and lifted up the glass and laid sheer fabric table clothes over the frame of the desk. I had the table clothes left over from my wedding (so what the hell was I going to do with them?).

  Then I put some of my vintage treasures on top after I replaced the glass.  This is what I came up with...

The mirrored tray and the vanity set were actually my grandmother's. She gave them to me last year when I helped her clean out her shed.  I already had the perfume bottles (also given to me).  The jewelry box was a wedding gift and the flowers were the ones I carried when I got married.  We had a Halloween themed wedding.  My entire little vanity area was free.  All put together from things I already had.  

Tea Cart - Before and After

I love vintage stuff; clothes, dishes, hats, decor, name it!  I can see potential in so many things people throw away.  It really makes me sick to see it!  So last year, when my step-mom decided to flip a house, I scored a few treasures.  One was a little tea cart.  I know y'all have seen these adorable little brightly colored carts all over Pinterest and wondered where in the hell people were getting them...At least, I know I was wondering. I saw an adorable little red one in an antique shop one time and they wanted a fortune for it. So, when I was walking through the flip house and saw a funky looking brown tea cart with brass colored handles, I could see potential.  They were just about to toss it in the dumpster when I saved it!  

Yeah, I get it, it was freaking ugly!  But I knew it didn't have to be.  I took it home.  It sat in the shed for the last year, and last week, I finally painted it to match my kitchen.  The colors in my kitchen are teal and red and I plan on putting this little cart in front of the sliding glass door (the side that doesn't slide).  So since my curtains are red, I painted it teal with silver handles. 

I think it came out great.  I can't wait to finish it off with some cute little vintage kitchen objects!