
Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 1 of My New Life

It is officially day 1 of not going to the job that I had for 18 years!  It feels a bit surreal.  Saturday, we got 6 baby chicks.  Their names are Parmasan, Nugget, Rosemary, Patty, Spicy, and Dumplin'.  And no, I don't plan on eating them.  We just thought we would have fun with their names.

On Sunday, we decided to go back and get 2 ducks as well.  Their names are Lucky and Aflac.  All are doing well and so far, I still feel fine about being home.  Of course, all the ladies hugged me bye Friday and made me cry and I will miss them.  I won't miss that place though! 

This week, the plan is to get to know my chicks and ducklings, get laundry, dishes, and regular housework caught up, get son number 3 an eye exam, go to son number 5's IEP meeting, and save the big projects for next week.  We will see how that goes. 

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